Ink dispenser

Ink dispenser

I-IDS Ink Dispenser

Accurate mixing and management of up to 16 or 32 colors, depending on the model, with high efficiency and safety.

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Accurate, efficient and safe color mixing

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      The I-IDS ink dispenser is designed to obtain any color mixture, up to a total of 16 or 32 components depending on the model, with an accuracy of 1 gram. Approved according to ATEX standards, it is safe to work in potentially explosive environments thanks to Exp and Exia protection for solvent-based inks.

      The dispensing unit is equipped with nozzles with pneumatic action valves and double dosing flow, allowing inks to be mixed directly in a bucket placed on a precision scale. This ensures the correct proportioning of the components. The process is automated, as the bucket is moved to the dispensing area by a pneumatic cylinder, eliminating the need for operator handling.

      Each ink line is equipped with a pneumatic pump that transports the ink from the ink tanks to the dispensing area. The arrangement of the ink tanks can be customized according to the user’s needs. The system uses interactive software to control dispensing and perform periodic recirculations, preventing clogging of the ink lines.

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